Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Wicked Wednesday: Busted!

One Crazy Brunette Chick

What happened? Did your honey throw you up against the wall for a quickie and your mother-in-law walked in? Maybe a cop tapped on the window while you were giving a parking lot BJ? Then again, maybe you called in sick then saw your boss at the mall.

The first time I got busted I was about 12. I was climbing back in my window after sneaking out to see the neighbor boy. Then when I was in college I thought my roommate was gone for the day and she came in to find me straddling my boyfriend. Lucky me we were basically clothed. Thus far I've never been walked in on during the act or caught in a major lie. *Knocking on wood*

So fess up, we wanna know! Tell us about the time that you almost got away with it. Take the button, tell us how you got busted, and link your happy ass up!