Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Wicked Wednesday- One of Our Own is Sayin' Goodbye!

Its time to link up for Wicked Wednesday, but it's a rather sad occasion. Word has traveled pretty quickly about Crazy Brunette's retirement from the Blog World. This is tough on BGB because CB has been doing a kick-ass job on this site and her contribution will surely be missed.
So let's not cry anymore- CB would not have it this way- let's send her out in a blaze of glory.

*Take your virtual glass of champagne*

Here's to you CB! You are a fuckin' goddess! And we will all miss you so hard. Drink up bitches.

Now- link up your blog with you favorite CB post, memory, story, whatever you got. If you never knew her or her blog, check it out while its still here and give her a shout out for today's Wicked Wednesday.

One Crazy Brunette Chick

So grab the button, post your fav CB shit, and link up.


  1. Awwww thank you so much bitch!

    This means a lot to me!

  2. Gonna miss you CB....who the fuck is gonna be my girlfriend now!!! ????

  3. Gonna miss yo hooker ass! Keep in touch, chica!
