Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Fucking Top Ten

So this week for Top Ten Tuesday I decided to compile a list of the Top Ten Fucktastic Songs, Celebs, Movies, you get the idea :)

10. Amy Winehouse. As much as I love her, she's just fucked up.

9. Lily Allen's Fuck You

8. Fuck You Friday! The most awesome blog meme ever!

BWS tips button

7. The Blogess. She's fucking fantastic, just check her out!

6. Splackavellie. I don't care how wrong it is, this song always makes me wanna get naked. How you like my fine man Shemar in all his 90's glory?

5. Bruce Willis. Yippee Ki-yay, Mother Fucker!

4. Liberator Shapes. Seriously. They are Awesome!

3. Betty White. I mean really? Who doesn't think this woman is fantastic?

2. Cee Lo's Fuck You

1. Shemar Moore. Yum! Fucking Hotest Man Ever!


  1. I want the wedges in the WORST way.. seriously.. and shemar moore.. umm yeah I need a cold shower now.. I wanna be a bad girl blogger.

  2. omg, Shemar is my boyfriend and you better stay the fuck away. I mean, really. :)

  3. Mmmmmmm - he is a fine man, for sure!!
    And Amy? Yeah, I have dibs she won't make it to 40.

  4. ha ha totally agree about Shemar Moore he's so yummy!

  5. Any blog that mentions Splackavellie is ...a keeper. <3

  6. I ALMOST PASSED OUT WHEN I SAW SPLACKAVELLIE!!! That was my jizz-am back in the day! I'm also with the other ladies...I would let that delicious piece of chocolate thunder flick my bean any day. Maybe not let him...FORCE HIM TILL HE CALLED THE COPS!

  7. Why is it I'm all about the fuck and the fuck you shit...I, of course, loved this post. And Betty White! Come on, what's not to love!
